A Guide to Anger-Free Parenting: Calm your Triggers for Emotional Wellbeing and Strong, Resilient Happy Kids

A Guide to Anger-Free Parenting: Calm your Triggers for Emotional Wellbeing and Strong, Resilient Happy Kids

Forsidebillede til bogen "A Guide to Anger-Free Parenting: Calm your Triggers for Emotional Wellbeing and Strong, Resilient Happy Kids" skrevet af Elaine Wright.
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A Guide to Anger-Free Parenting: Calm your Trig...

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kr. 154,95

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“A Guide to Anger-Free Parenting: Calm your Triggers for Emotional Well-being and Strong, Resilient Happy Kids” is written by Elaine Wright

Are you exhausted from constant parental stress and frustration? Do you want to stop yelling at your kids and losing control? It’s time to transform your approach and create a more peaceful, harmonious family dynamic.

In “A Guide to Anger-Free Parenting,” author and parent Elaine Wright invites you on a transformative journey toward healing, growth, and empowered parenting. Drawing on personal experience and years of expertise as a clarity and transformation coach, Elaine provides readers with practical strategies, empowering insights, and compassionate guidance to help break free from the cycle of frustration and anger in their parenting journey.

Through self-awareness, understanding, and a deep dive into the complexities of parental outrage, this book offers a roadmap toward creating a more loving, connected, and harmonious family environment. Whether you’re feeling overwhelmed by anger or seeking more meaningful connections with your children, this book is the ultimate tool to help you become the parent you’ve always wanted to be. Say goodbye to parental anger and hello to a more fulfilling and positive relationship with your children. Embrace this opportunity to transform your parenting style and nurture a deeper bond within the family unit. Learn how to be a better parent and start your journey towards anger-free parenting today.
This book offers:

  • new paradigm for approaching everyday parenting situations.
  • An understanding of how thought shapes interactions with your children.
  • Insight into the true roots of your anger.
  • Techniques to cultivate presence and make deeper connections with your kids.
  • How to transform anger into opportunities for growth and calm parenting.
  • Strategies to create a positive family environment based on understanding and mutual respect.
  • Insights and realizations for managing parental anger and fostering positive change in your family dynamic.
  • An approach to resolve inner conflicts and transform anger into opportunities for growth and calm parenting.

This is more than just surface-level advice. It’s about transformative inner work, focusing on connecting to your inner guidance system so you’ll know what to do next that’s best for you and your kids. Compared to many resources, this book doesn’t offer quick fixes. It emphasizes and shines the light on foundational work that can calm the triggers and bring lasting harmony, and peace within your family.

An essential, must-read for all parents – now more than ever. Also a great read for grandparents and teachers.

Profilbillede af forfatter Elaine Wright

Elaine Wright er coach og forfatter til bogen “A Guide to Anger-Free Parenting“. Hun har mere end 15 års erfaring i at hjælpe mennesker, især forældre, der har fokus på deres børns trivsel. Elaine har guidet mange mennesker til personlig udvikling og bedre familierelationer. Som forælder har hun stor forståelse for udfordringerne hos travle, overvældede forældre, der forsøger at opretholde harmonien i familien.

Det centrale i Elaines arbejde er en »indefra-og-ud-forståelse« af den menneskelige oplevelse. Hun hjælper sine klienter og læsere med at forstå, at det er deres egne oplevelser og tankeprocesser, der skaber deres virkelighed, snarere end de ydre omstændigheder. Denne tilgang giver dem mulighed for at opnå klarhed, reducere stress og forbedre deres generelle trivsel og præstationer i deres liv og på deres arbejde.

Elaine kombinerer praktiske strategier med fokus på indre transformation, hvilket skaber vedvarende ændringer i familiedynamikken og privatlivet. Hendes mission er at hjælpe mennesker fra alle samfundslag gennem vejledning, praktisk visdom og solid støtte.

Når Elaine ikke coacher eller skriver, nyder hun at gå tur med sin hund, tilegne sig ny viden og skabe kontakt til mennesker.

Elaine Wrights hjemmeside

Du kan læse mere om Elaine på hendes hjemmeside: https://elainecoaching.com

YouTube videoer med Elaine Wright


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