Butterflies Are Our Friends: A fresh approach to helping children with anxiety and fears

Butterflies Are Our Friends: A fresh approach to helping children with anxiety and fears

Forsidebillede til bogen "Butterflies Are Our Friends: A fresh approach to helping children with anxiety and fears" skrevet af Nicola Farr.
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“Butterflies Are Our Friends: A fresh approach to helping children with anxiety and fears” is written by Dr. Nicola Farr.


“This beautiful little book will have a big impact on many parents and therefore their children. Yet the book itself is merely a pointer to what we all really know deep within ourselves but has become hidden—just as Nicola describes in her Preface. This book will be so helpful to parents who experience not only children with anxiety but with any difficulty. I highly recommend it to all parents.”

– Dr. Jack Pransky, author, Parenting from the Heart


Most of us struggle with some degree of anxiety, and for many of us it has a debilitating impact on all aspects of life. And to then witness our children similarly suffer and not know how to help them is beyond distressing.

Butterflies Are Our Friends offers the hope and reassurance you’ve been longing for to guide you and your children back to the truth of who we all really are and where our experience of anxiety comes from. This deeper perspective allows us to support our children from a totally different and more effective place.

Nicola Farr

Nicola Farr har skrevet bogen “Butterflies Are Our Friends: A fresh approach to helping children with anxiety and fears“, som er tiltænkt forældre til ænstelige børn.

Nicola har en ph.d., er coach, psykolog, forfatter, hustru, mor til tre og har tidligere lidt af kronisk angst og bulimi. Hun har viet sit arbejdsliv til at støtte børn og familier – gennem forskning, induviduelle samtaleforløb og forskellige typer gruppeprojekter f.eks. udsatte unge, unge omsorgspersoner og børn med særlige behov.

Efter hun fik sine tre børn, har hun arbejdet i privat praksis og på unik vis integreret sin baggrund og erfaring med en banebrydende ny tilgang til forståelse af den menneskelige oplevelse af livet.

Hun føler sig meget privilegeret over at kunne hjælpe sine klienter med at vågne op til visdommen og lyset i dem selv og deres børn samt hjælpe dem med at finde deres egen vej til mere harmoniske og glædesfyldte forhold og familieliv.

Link til Nicola Farrs hjemmeside

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