Upside-Down & Backwards: The Innocent Failure of Mainstream Psychology: An Enlightened, Flourishing Life via Understanding The Three Principles that Create Our Psychological Lives

Upside-Down & Backwards: The Innocent Failure of Mainstream Psychology: An Enlightened, Flourishing Life via Understanding The Three Principles that Create Our Psychological Lives

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“Upside-Down & Backwards” is written by Thomas M. Kelley.

Stop searching, stop struggling, stop coping!

You already have all the well-being, self-esteem, wisdom, love, and happiness you need inside you. Your innate health is ready and waiting bubble-up unless you INNOCENTLY get in the way. So, please stop depending on mainstream psychology’s techniques, coping strategies, and medications to feel better. They require hard work, don’t work that well, have negative downsides, and are not needed to reduce your mental stress and release your innate well-being.

Instead, please join me, Dr. Tom Kelley, on a journey to life-changing insights regarding the way the Principles of UNIVERSAL MIND, CONSCIOUSNESS, AND THOUGHT manifest within all of us to create our psychological lives. Please remember, this is not your rehearsal life; this is your real life. Please don’t wait any longer to start living the life of your dreams!

Thomas M. Kelley

Thomas M. Kelley Ph.D, er professor emeritus ved Wayne State University, autoriseret psykolog og underviser i mental sundhed. Han lærte Sydney Banks at kende i 1980’erne. Tom har skrevet tre bøger og over 100 artikler, der er udgivet i anerkendte tidsskrifter. Tom har hjulpet tusindvis af mennesker med at forstå, hvordan De Tre Principper fungerer i alle mennesker, og hvordan de skaber deres psykologiske liv.

Tom har skrevet bøgerne: “Upside-Down & Backwards: The Innocent Failure of Mainstream Psychology: An Enlightened, Flourishing Life via Understanding The Three Principles that Create Our Psychological Lives” og “How Good Can You Stand It?: Flourishing Mental Health through Understanding The Three Principles” samt “Falling in Love with Life”.

Link til artikler af Thomas M. Kelley samt YouTube video

Du kan finde artikler skrevet af Thomas her.


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