Victim of Thought: Seeing Through the Illusion of Anxiety

Victim of Thought: Seeing Through the Illusion of Anxiety

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Victim of Thought: Seeing Through the Illusion ...

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kr. 89,95

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“Victim of Thought: Seeing Through the Illusion of Anxiety” is written by Jill Whalen.

All our lives we were brought up to believe that other people and situations were what caused our anxiety. As it turns out, we were sold a pack of lies!

What if the only thing causing your anxiety is your own thoughts?

And what if underneath your anxious thinking was your true, perfect self–whole and healthy and untouched by all your fears?

How would this change your life?

For Jill Whalen, understanding this information switched off a lifetime of anxiety and addictive behaviors.

In Victim of Thought: Seeing Through the Illusion of Anxiety, Jill describes how she spent over 50 years in a constant state of anxiousness. While she could feel fine one minute, she never knew what might be lurking around the corner that could seemingly disturb her peace.

It was only when she learned the simple truth of where her anxiety was really coming from–and that underneath it was her innate well-being–that she no longer was a victim to it.

In this easy to read and understand book, Jill logically explains how having one or more insightful “aha moments” can wipe away a lifetime of anxious thinking. She shares numerous relatable stories and examples from her own life to help you see the truth in her words. Jill also provides you with step-by-step instructions to become more aware of your own thoughts, which in turn puts you back in the driver’s seat of your life.

But the proof is really in the pudding, and Jill encourages you at every turn seek your own examples and evidence of how you’ve let yourself become a victim of your own thoughts. Once you see this for yourself, your life and your anxiety will magically transform before your eyes!

If you’re tired of believing that you’re a victim to your anxiety, and are looking for a more peaceful life, then this book is for you.


“The book was fascinating, particularly as someone who also struggles with anxiety. I think you did a great job of explaining the concepts to a layperson. I particularly found both the Thought Stream and also the Thoughts Storm as a snow globe metaphors extremely effective! It’s very easy to relate to and very eye-opening. Hopefully I can find a way to start practicing some of this thought work into my own life! The idea that our normal state is peace – so simple, but so difficult to realize without it being pointed out!” – Ashley R.

“I love your book. It’s so wise and clear. I’m very grateful that you sent me a copy!” – Ingrid M.

“I found the thought processes you speak of very enlightening and it does seem to make the complex reasons for anxiety simpler to understand.” – Cyndy F.

“It’s great! Well written and flows well. I like that you began with your story and laid things out really nicely. The separate sections are super helpful and make logical sense to anyone who is new (or old) to the concept. Overall this book is VERY needed and useful and just has a really nice feeling to it as well. I think it would also be a reference for someone who has anxiety. A book they go back to when they get caught up in their thoughts.” – Lana B.

Jill Whalen

Jill Whalen har skrevet bogen Victim of Thought: Seeing Through the Illusion of Anxiety

I over 50 år havde Jill haft et lykkeligt familieliv og en succesfuld karriere gennem 17 år som pioner inden for SEO-markedsføring af hjemmesider, men hendes indre liv var fyldt med angst. Det ændrede sig, da hun opdagede, at det var hendes tanker, der skabte hendes ængstelige følelser, snarere end andre mennesker og situationer. Med et par indsigtsfulde “aha-øjeblikke” havde hendes angst ikke længere det samme tag i hende, som den plejede at have.

Hun har brugt de sidste fire år på at beskrive sin udvikling på sin blog, “What Did You Do With Jill”, samtidig med at hun hjælper andre, der søger forandring i deres liv.

Jill elsker at hjælpe andre med at finde deres naturlige velvære og glæde, så de kan arbejde ud fra en klarere sindstilstand. Hun tilbyder individuelle samtaler til enkeltpersoner, coaches, ejere af små virksomheder, ledere, grupper og organisationer. Hun underviser også i workshops og seminarer om emner som relationer, stress, angst og ubesværet succes gennem passionskraft.

Jill er mentor i “Primal Happiness Thrive Community” og medlem af fakultetet for “Three Principles Supermind”.

Link til Jill Whalens hjemmeside og YouTube video

Du kan besøge Jills hjemmeside her.

Link til Jill Whalens YouTube kanal


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