A life Less Serious: Real life stories from women to inspire, uplift and encourage new perspectives on living

A life Less Serious: Real life stories from women to inspire, uplift and encourage new perspectives on living

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A life Less Serious: Real life stories from wom...

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kr. 134,95

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“A life Less Serious” is written by George Halfin.

What becomes possible when you see beyond the stories you tell yourself and others?

How can you face your ultimate challenges without the weight of the world on your shoulders?

Touching on health, relationships, work and travel, women from different backgrounds and stages of life share personal stories that reveal much about our relationships with ourselves, with each other and with the world.

From unlearning the habits of a lifetime, to dealing with personal challenges in unexpected and refreshing ways, like many of us, these women have been on the ultimate quest to feel better about themselves, only to find the answer is closer to home than they ever imagined.

George Halfin

George er Innate Health-coach, projektleder i en national britisk velgørenhedsorganisation og mor til to.

I løbet af de sidste 12 år har hun været på en rejse, hvor hun har lært at tage sine tanker mindre alvorligt, og det har ført til, at hun har skrevet sin første bog med fortællinger fra kvinder: “A Life Less Serious“.

Hun elsker at skabe plads til, at kvinder kan tage tid ud af deres travle liv for at finde tilbage til det lys, de virkelig er.

Link til George Halfins hjemmeside og YouTube videoer

Du kan besøge Georges hjemmeside her.


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