A Little Peace of Mind: The Revolutionary Solution for Freedom from Anxiety, Panic Attacks and Stress

A Little Peace of Mind: The Revolutionary Solution for Freedom from Anxiety, Panic Attacks and Stress

Forsidebillede til bogen "A Little Peace of Mind: The Revolutionary Solution for Freedom from Anxiety, Panic Attacks and Stress" skrevet af Nicola Bird.
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“A Little Peace of Mind: The Revolutionary Solution for Freedom from Anxiety, Panic Attacks and Stress” is written by Nicola Bird.

Do you feel like anxiety is making your life smaller? Are you always worried about the next panic attack? Or are you so stressed that you can’t remember when you last felt peaceful and happy?

What if there was a simple solution that meant you could stop coping, and start living?

For more than 20 years, Nicola Bird experienced anxiety and panic attacks, sometimes so severely she couldn’t leave the house. She tried everything, including medication, psychiatric counselling, yoga, and NLP. Then she stumbled upon a completely different way of understanding the human mind that changed her relationship with anxiety forever.

In A Little Peace of Mind, Nicola opens up about her own experiences and shares simple ideas to help you realise your own innate mental health and wellbeing.

At the heart of this understanding, you’ll discover the peace of mind that has been eluding you all this time.

Nicola Bird

Nicola har skrevet bogen A Little Peace of Mind: The Revolutionary Solution for Freedom from Anxiety, Panic Attacks and Stress.

Hun er stifter af coachingvirksomheden A Little Peace of Mind, som hun startede for at formidle sin revolutionerende tilgang til angst, panikanfald og stress.

Hendes livserfaring med at presse sig selv til at gøre og være mere, førte til ydre succes, men også en til en skjult kamp mod panikanfald og angst.

Nicola arbejder i dag at formidle den forståelse af medfødt mental sundhed, der ændrede hendes eget liv.

YouTube videoer med Nicola Bird


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