Drema’s Story: Applications of Mind, Consciousness, and Thought to Nursing

Drema's Story: Applications of Mind, Consciousness, and Thought to Nursing

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“Drema’s Story” is written by Drema Odum Bleitz.

Drema’s Story is a beautiful way of sharing the Three Principles of Mind, Consciousness, and Thought with all readers.
She tells of her personal experience sharing with the healthcare professions. It is particularly pertinent in today’s chaotic healthcare society. This book is a guide for nurses, doctors, and all other healthcare professionals as well as patients and their loved ones. It is a message that is dedicated to alleviating human suffering by reminding us all of the healing power of love and compassion. “If you help one nurse, just one, have a deeper understanding of how to maintain his or her own mental health and balance, while dealing with the many demands of work and home, you have helped each person he or she comes in contact with. This nurse will be more equipped to keep in touch with his or her positive feelings of caring and wanting to help. It is through these feelings that we touch the very soul of another human being.” – Drema Odum Bleitz

Drema Odum Bleitz

Dremas historie er en smuk måde at dele De Tre Principper på. Hun lærte Sydney Banks at kende, og fortæller om sin personlige erfaring med at dele denne forståelse af mental sundhed med sundhedspersonale. Det er særligt relevant i nutidens kaotiske sundhedssamfund. Denne bog er en guide til sygeplejersker, læger og andet sundhedspersonale såvel som patienter og deres kære. Det er et budskab, der lindrer menneskelig lidelse ved at minde os alle om kærlighedens og medfølelsens helbredende kraft.

“Hvis du hjælper én sygeplejerske, bare én, med at få en dybere forståelse af, hvordan man værner om sin egen mentale sundhed og balance, mens man håndterer de mange krav fra arbejde og hjem, har du hjulpet hver eneste person, han eller hun kommer i kontakt med. Denne sygeplejerske vil dermed være bedre rustet til at bevare kontakten til sine positive følelser af omsorg og lyst til at hjælpe. Det er gennem disse følelser, at vi rører ved sjælen i et andet menneske.” (Drema Odum Bleitz)

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