Falling Into Place: Being Human in a Spiritual World – A Guide to the Inside-Out Nature of Life

Falling Into Place: Being Human in a Spiritual World - A Guide to the Inside-Out Nature of Life

Forsidebillede til bogen "Falling Into Place: Being Human in a Spiritual World - A Guide to the Inside-Out Nature of Life" skrevet af Antti Vanhanen
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kr. 139,95

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Falling Into Place: Being Human in a Spiritual ...

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kr. 139,95

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“Falling Into Place: Being Human in a Spiritual World – A Guide to the Inside-Out Nature of Life” is written by Antti Vanhanen.

Most people believe our external circumstances dictate our internal reality. We believe we need to succeed to be happy. We believe we need wealth to feel secure.

In this ground-breaking book, Antti Vanhanen shows it is all a big misunderstanding: we actually succeed because we are happy. We are more likely to reach wealth when we feel secure.

The only thing you need to unlock your true potential is a shift in perspective. No strategies, methods, or superhuman will power are necessary. You already have a tremendous innate capability for happiness, resilience and success – but your outside-in misunderstanding gets in the way. When you let that go, everything simply falls into place.

This book will help you to:

  • be more at ease – regardless of your circumstances
  • experience more joy and peace in your life
  • be less driven by your addictions and habitual thinking
  • find the strength, courage, and resilience to deal with life’s challenges
  • be at your best when it matters most


Antti Vanhanen

Antti Vanhanen har skrevet “Falling into Place“.

Han er en anerkendt finsk coach, som hjælper iværksættere, ledere og mennesker i karriere- og livsforandringer med at finde deres egne unikke svar og løsninger i stedet for at overføre deres visdom til andre.

 I modsætning til de fleste andre coaches giver Antti ikke råd eller strategier, fordi de fleste af os allerede ved, hvad vi skal gøre – problemet er bare, at vi ikke kan få os selv til at gøre det. For at hjælpe sine klienter med denne udfordring peger Antti på deres egen indre visdom, som gør det lettere for dem at handle på en måde, der giver mening for dem.

 Før han begyndte at coache, arbejdede Antti som strateg for Hewlett-Packard og Nokia, og han har over 10 års erfaring med at arbejde i travle virksomhedsmiljøer.

Du kan lytte til Anttis podcast “Episodes in Troubled Thinking”, hvor han udforsker forskellige emner sammen med en anden coach, Steve M. Nash fra Storbritannien.

Link til Antti Vanhanens hjemmeside og YouTube videoer

Du kan besøge Anttis hjemmeside her.


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