The Space Within: Finding Your Way Back Home

The Space Within: Finding Your Way Back Home

Forsidebillede til bogen "The Space Within: Finding Your Way Back Home" skrevet af Michael Neill.
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kr. 124,95

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The Space Within: Finding Your Way Back Home

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kr. 124,95

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“The Space Within: Finding Your Way Back Home” is written by Michael Neill.

There is a space within you where you are already perfect, whole, and complete. It is pure consciousness – the space inside of which all thoughts come and go.

When you rest in the feeling of this space, the warmth of it heals your mind and body. When you operate from the infinite creative potential of this space, you produce high levels of performance and creative flow. When you sit in the openness of this space with others, you experience a level of connection and intimacy that is breathtakingly enjoyable and filled with love. And when you explore this space more deeply, you will find yourself growing closer and closer to the divine, even if you’re not sure there is such a thing and wouldn’t know how to talk about it if there was.

Every problem we have in life is the result of losing our bearings and getting caught up in the content of our own thinking; the solution to every one of those problems is to find our way back home.This is both the invitation and the promise of this book.

One problem. One solution. Infinite possibilities. Are you ready to begin?

Michael Neill

Michael er en internationalt anerkendt transformativ coach og bestsellerforfatter. Han har bl.a. skrevet “The Inside-Out Revolution” (der er oversat til dansk med titlen “Livet opleves indefra og ud“), “The Space Within” og “Creating the Impossible”. Han har også skrevet børnebogen “The Little Princess and The Palace of Wisdom“.

Hans bøger er blevet oversat til 18 sprog, og hans offentlige foredrag og seminarer har berørt og forandret liv på seks kontinenter.

Hans TEDx-talk “Why Aren’t We Awesomer?” er blevet set af næsten 200.000 mennesker over hele verden. Han er vært for et ugentligt talkshow på, og hans ugentlige Caffeine for the Soul-blogs og podcasts kan findes på hans hjemmeside.

Link til hjemmeside og YouTube videoer med Michael Neill

Du kan besøge Michaels hjemmeside her.

Link til Michael Neills YouTube kanal


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