You Can Feel Good Again: Common-Sense Strategies for Releasing Unhappiness and Changing Your Life

You Can Feel Good Again: Common-Sense Strategies for Releasing Unhappiness and Changing Your Life

Forsidebillede af bogen "You Can Feel Good Again Common-Sense Strategies for Releasing Unhappiness and Changing Your Life" skrevet af Richard Carlson
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You Can Feel Good Again: Common-Sense Strategie...

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kr. 239,95

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“You Can Feel Good Again: Common-Sense Strategies for Releasing Unhappiness and Changing Your Life” is written by Richard Carlson

The words “don’t sweat the small stuff” became an important part of American culture thanks to Richard Carlson’s runaway bestseller, which made publishing history as the #1 book in the United States for two consecutive years.

Now, You Can Feel Good Again has one simple message: changing your thinking changes your life. Carlson offers a commonsense method that allows anyone to release unhappiness and negativity related to present circumstances or past events, and return to a natural state of well-being in the present. You Can Feel Good Again is full of humor, wisdom, and thoughtful guidance—a genuine tool to foster the realization that happiness and contentment are truly one thought away.

Richard Carlson

Richard blev anset for at være en af de førende eksperter i glæde og stressreduktion i USA og resten af verden.

Som forfatter til 30 populære bøger, herunder bestselleren “Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff…and it’s all Small Stuff”, viste han millioner af mennesker, hvordan de kunne undgå at lade de små ting i livet påvirke dem.

Richard skrev også “Slowing Down to the Speed of Life” sammen med Dr. Joseph Bailey

Han døde af en blodprop i lungen i 2006 – 45 år gammel.

Link til hjemmeside samt YouTube videoer med Richard Carlson og Joseph Bailey

Du kan besøge Richards hjemmeside her.


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