Hope for All – Three Principles Interviews and More from the Front Lines

Hope for All - Three Principles Interviews and More from the Front Lines

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Hope for All - Three Principles Interviews and ...

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kr. 194,95

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“Hope for All” is written by Jack Pransky.

Hope for All is an updated reissue of the best and most pertinent excerpts from Prevention from the Inside-Out edited for the general public regarding creating change from the inside-out. Part I contains a series of compelling, extensive and detailed interviews from community folks and change agents who were on the front lines experiencing, first, personal change from realizing the Three Principles of Mind, Consciousness and Thought in their lives, then applying it in a state of service to help others in communities and organizations. Part II contains “A Guide for Realizing Community and Organizational Change from the Inside-Out,” written for those who want to learn how to create change from the inside-out in communities and organizations. In addition, it presents four models for applying this Three Principles approach in communities, and also contains excerpts of personal results from a major qualitative study titled, “The Experience of Participants after Three Principles Training.” Sydney Banks, who uncovered Three Principles understanding, and Dr. Roger Mills, who first applied this inside-out approach in communities, would be proud.

About the Author:
Jack Pransky, Ph.D. is an internationally recognized trainer, coach, counselor and consultant who since 1991 has been studying and teaching The Three Principles. He has authored numerous books about the inside-out nature of life that have received wide acclaim for being among the best Principles-based books. Jack is a trainer of trainers, a coach of coaches and a counselor of counselors. In 2001 his book, Modello received the Martin Luther King Storyteller’s Award for the book best exemplifying King’s vision of “the beloved community,” and in 2004 Jack won the Vermont Prevention Pioneer’s Award.

Here is an link to an interview about the book with Jack Pransky “Hope For All

Forfatter Jack Pransky

Jack Pransky, ph.d., er stifter og direktør for “Center for Inside-Out Understanding”. Han er forfatter til bøgerne:

Jack Pransky har arbejdet med forebyggelse siden 1968 i en lang række forskellige sammenhænge og tilbyder nu konsultation, rådgivning og coaching i USA og internationalt.

I 2001 modtog hans bog Modello Martin Luther King Storyteller’s Award for den bog, der bedst repræsenterer Kings vision om “det elskede fællesskab”, og i 2004 vandt Jack “Vermont Prevention Pioneer’s Award”.

Jack har arbejdet ud fra De Tre Principper siden begynndelsen af 1990’erne, og havde Sydney Banks som mentor.

Han var også drivkraften bag Linda Quirings “Island of Knowledge” blev genoptrykt og “Beyond Beliefs” blev udgivet. Linda Quiring skrev disse to bøger sammen med Sydney Banks i 1975 og 1979.

“Island of Knowledge” er nu oversat til dansk og hedder “Visdommens ø“.

Link til Jack Pranskys hjemmeside og YouTube videoer

Du kan besøge Jacks hjemmeside her.


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