Lessons From My Coach: Become an Extraordinary Coach, Attract Extraordinary Clients

Lessons From My Coach: Become an Extraordinary Coach, Attract Extraordinary Clients

Forsidebillede til bogen "Lessons From My Coach: Become an Extraordinary Coach, Attract Extraordinary Clients" skrevet af Amir Karkouti.
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Lessons From My Coach: Become an Extraordinary ...

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kr. 119,95

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“Lessons From My Coach: Become an Extraordinary Coach, Attract Extraordinary Clients” is written by Amir Karkouti.

Is it possible to make money as a coach without resorting to discounting, bargaining, Internet marketing, or sleazy tactics? Is it possible to love enrolling clients as much as coaching clients? Join Amir Karkouti, author of Do NOTHING to Get EVERYTHING, as he explores unorthodox methods to make you become an extraordinary coach and to attract extraordinary clients. This audiobook is meant to not only be informational but, more importantly, transformational.

Whether you are a new coach or have a six-figure practice; Lessons from My Coach will show you:

  • How to use your own unique gifts to have tremendous advantage when meeting a prospective client
  • How slowing down the process will dramatically increase the types of clients you attract
  • You don’t have to know more than your clients. As a matter of fact, you will want to know less than them. Find out why.
  • How to move the conversation of what you do to engage them into a coaching conversation effortlessly
  • You won’t learn any Internet marketing, sly sales funnels or how to create a website. Marketing gimmicks are not appropriate if you want to be an extraordinary coach.
  • How to play full out and lead your clients to their goals fearlessly
  • Work with honesty and integrity. The whole process should feel good for you and your clients.
  • How to attract clients that pay on time, show up on time and be glad to pay your for your extraordinary service

You don’t have to be a struggling coach. Find out how in Lessons From My Coach.

Amir Karkouti

Amir Karkouti har skrevet “Lessons from My Coach“, “No Nothing to Get Everything!” og “What the F**k Are The Three Principles?“.

Selvom Amir Karkouti ikke forlod skolen efter niende klasse og blev svejser, påstår han alligevel, at han kender til de tre universelle gaver (De Tre Principper, 3P).

Læs med, når Amir afklarer de svære spørgsmål og giver læseren indblik i De Tre Principper, skrevet i et humoristisk og uhøjtideligt sprog.

Amir skriver selv: ”Jeg husker tydeligt den dag, jeg ”opdagede” principperne. Jeg blev blæst helt bagover. Min verden smeltede sammen og alt gav pludselig mening. Mit eneste problem var, at det var svært at fortælle om dem til andre. Jeg klokkede totalt i det. Jeg prøvede alt for meget og ville have at andre skulle ”forstå” principperne, og folk troede jeg var blevet tosset. Så jeg begyndte at gøre det, som alle andre gør – jeg læste mere og mere, deltog i flere og flere seminarer, og blev….endnu mere forvirret. Men forvirringen stopper her… Nu skal du finde din egen 3P stemme at formidle fra.”

Link til Amir Karkoutis hjemmeside og YouTube videoer

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