The Brain over Binge Recovery Guide: A Simple and Personalized Plan for Ending Bulimia and Binge Eating Disorder

The Brain over Binge Recovery Guide: A Simple and Personalized Plan for Ending Bulimia and Binge Eating Disorder

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The Brain over Binge Recovery Guide: A Simple a...

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kr. 174,95

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“The Brain over Binge Recovery Guide: A Simple and Personalized Plan for Ending Bulimia and Binge Eating Disorder” is written by Kathryn Hansen.

This book is a much-requested follow-up to “Brain over Binge (2011, 2022), in which the author shared how she used a basic understanding of neuroscientific principles to overcome bulimia. In this sequel and companion volume, with the help of fellow specialists and authors Amy Johnson, PhD, Katherine Thomson, PhD, and others, Kathryn Hansen lays out those same principles—and many more—in a self-help format that encourages and enables binge eaters to recover efficiently and effectively.

Although recovery is not the same for everyone, this book posits that there are only two essential goals that must be met to end bulimia and binge eating disorder: (1) learning to dismiss urges to binge and (2) learning to eat adequately. As you work toward these goals with a streamlined focus, you will discover your own strength, develop your own insights, and put into practice ideas and behaviors that work uniquely and authentically for you.

The Brain over Binge Recovery Guide is comprehensive in its length and scope but utterly simple in its approach: You will listen to and use only what you need—continuing on in the book if you feel you need more information and guidance, putting it down and moving on with your life when you feel you’re ready—so that you can start living binge-free as quickly and easily as possible.

Kathryn Hansen

Kathryn Hansen blev helbredt for bulimi på egen hånd – pludseligt og fuldstændigt. Kort efter sin helbredelse var hun helt overbevist om, at hun havde en vigtig historie at fortælle – en historie, der kunne give andre bulimikere og personer med overspisningsforstyrrelser håb, et nyt perspektiv og en fornuftig kur.

Hun har dokumenteret sin ærlige oplevelse i håb om, at hendes bog kan kaste nyt lys over disse lidelser, der ødelægger så mange liv. I lang tid følte Kathryn sig som et håbløst tilfælde. Hun troede, at hun aldrig ville blive helt rask. Hun troede, at hun skulle håndtere sin spiseforstyrrelse en dag ad gangen resten af sit liv, men det skulle hun ikke. Men hun oplever at hun slet ingen risiko har for tilbagefald, selv i stressede perioder af sit liv. Hun er overbevist om, at hvis hun kunne blive rask, så kan alle blive det.

Kathryn kom sig først, efter at hun havde forladt terapien og givet slip på de fleste af dens principper. Hun fandt en anden måde at komme af med sin bulimi på, og nu deler hun sin alternative tilgang med andre i hendes bøger Brain over Binge: Why I Was Bulimic, Why Conventional Therapy Didn’t Work, and How I Recovered for Good og The Brain over Binge Recovery Guide: A Simple and Personalized Plan for Ending Bulimia and Binge Eating Disorder.

Kathryn håber, at hendes stemme kan være en stemme for forandring, en stemme for dem, der er frustrerede over terapi, eller som simpelthen ikke har råd til det, en stemme, der vil hjælpe mange med at slippe ud af den daglige plage med overspisning og opkastninger.

Link til Kathryn Hansens hjemmeside og YouTube videoer

Du kan besøge Kathryns hjemmeside her.

Link til Kathryn Hansens YouTube kanal


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