Do Nothing!: Stop Looking, Start Living

Do Nothing!: Stop Looking, Start Living

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Do Nothing!: Stop Looking, Start Living

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kr. 139,95

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“Do Nothing!: Stop Looking, Start Living” is written by Damian Mark Smyth.

The state of humanity is down to the state of its thinking. It is the misunderstanding of the ‘function’ of individual thought systems that causes the problems, pain and suffering in the world. This ‘reactive’ thinking interferes with the flow of creative intelligence. When busy thinking subsides, new thought is available, and with it, innovation and resilience. The ‘trick,’ is simply to see how the ‘trick is done’. That’s it, no more. No processes, just an understanding. I point towards this understanding of the ‘human operating system’, which turns cause and effect, completely inside-out.

What if you were able to live a perfect, happy life, effortlessly… right now!? What if you discovered the secret that has been talked about by mystics throughout the ages, that was not only incredibly simple but was also accessible to you without doing a thing? What if every area of your life could be improved with one realisation, one thought, one simple understanding? Damian Mark Smyth is a teacher of this understanding and he takes you through the most common misunderstandings and misconceptions to help you realise that humanity has, for the most part, been looking in the wrong direction when it comes to happiness. The ‘outside-in’ world of fame and money is not the way to be fulfilled – just look at the amount of rich and famous people in rehab and therapy. His approach is more in tune with who you really are. From relationships to money, the business environment, parenting to sport and even addiction, Damian will show you where the secret lies and how you too can access it.

Here is what readers are saying about ‘DO NOTHING!’:

I can’t believe how powerful this book is!

“I’m impressed with this book. Read DO NOTHING! The wonders of the internal universe await.” Jack Pransky Ph.D (Author of ‘Somebody Should Have Told Us!’)

This book is amazing!

This is not the kind of book that teaches you, it is a book that TOUCHES you…

I am now a big step closer to loving life.

DO NOTHING! goes straight to your heart, it is a piece of music as much as a written text.

It is very, very CONTAGIOUS!!!

There is a happiness virus somewhere in the text! You open the book & have no choice but to get infected by it

DO NOTHING’S chapter on money is one of the more useful things I’ve read in my life.

Without this book, my life would be very different right now (and not in a good way!).

DO NOTHING! is the missing link!

Ever had trouble with stress, depression, anxiety, doubt or fear? This book will revolutionise the way you live.

I just wish I’d read it earlier!!

This is what the author, Damian Mark Smyth says himself about the Principles outlined within the pages of ‘DO NOTHING!’: “There are three formless facts that create our reality from moment to moment. Like gravity, they exist whether we believe them or not. With them, not only do we create our world through our thoughts, but we also create our world ‘of thought’. Merely by having an understanding of how they work allows us freedom from worry, stress and fear and opens us up to the infinite potential of the universe through creativity, compassion and love. And the way to access this inner source of wisdom is to DO NOTHING! Because we already have it. As the saying goes: “You are already enlightened, you just don’t know it yet…”

Damian Mark Smyth

Damian Mark Smyth har skrevet “Do Nothing, Stop Looking, Start Living” og “The Three Principles: A Beginner’s Guide“.

Han er lærer og underviser i De Tre Principper. Han bor i Cotswolds i England sammen med sin kæreste, Victoria Groom, og deres hund, Wellington.

Han har blandt andet lidt af OCD. 

Han stødte på principperne i 2010 og blev straks en dedikeret studerende, og blev undervist af de førende 3P-formidlere.

Hans firma, 3P Training, er resultatet af denne indsats, og han har undervist i erhvervslivet siden begyndelsen af 2011 med både små og store virksomheder og med individuel coaching.

Damian arbejdede 17 år i mediebranchen i ledende stillinger for store forlag, brands og bureauer (herunder: loaded, Saatchi & Saatchi, Trinity Mirror), men fandt sit nye kald inden for undervisning og udvikling.

Link til Damian Mark Smyths hjemmeside og YouTube videoer

Du kan besøge Damians hjemmeside her.


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