It All Started with a Bird

It All Started with a Bird

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“It All Started with a Bird” is written by Judith Sedgeman.

Judith Sedgeman takes us on a psychological journey that starts with the innocent childhood delight at the discovery of thought. She shows us how we unintentionally create insecurity and distress as we grow up, then face the anxiety and pressures of teenage years. As we enter adulthood, she demonstrates how we face the intensity of testing our knowledge and falling into the habit of “figuring everything out” to push ourselves to meet expectations. A business meeting with a potential client introduced her to a new way to look at mental well-being and the possibility that anyone, regardless of their circumstances, could find a “nice life,” free from stress and distress. Thus she was introduced to the Three Principles of Mind, Consciousness and Thought, an explanation of how we create our experience of life from the inside-out that is now spreading rapidly across the globe. As she learned more about this, her own state of mind and her business changed dramatically. Within a few years, she left the life she knew to join the pioneers bringing this new understanding to the mental health fields. Her stories reveal the challenges of overturning an existing paradigm, and the unshakeable commitment that generation felt as they found deeper and deeper mental well-being for themselves and realized they were sharing a secret that would set all people free from the prison of their own thoughts and point them to their wisdom, insight and common sense. The book shows how people’s perspective can change from thought to thought, and how the power to reconnect to our spiritual strength to live from love and understanding is never lost, only sometimes obscured. Through compelling anecdotes that span seven decades of inner adventure, she leads the reader to see that the possibility for the future of mankind at peace, in harmony, is innate to us all, if we just discover it. Woven through the book is the presence of the unlikely and very private man, Sydney Banks, who first “saw” the Principles as a profound truth about life and his singular effect on those who worked with him to share his discovery. The story is uniquely the author’s, set against the turmoil of the world in her lifetime, but it rings with universal truth that will touch every heart.

Judith Sedgeman

Judith Sedgeman har skrevet bogen “It All Started with a Bird“.

Hun er psykolog og har underviset i mental sundhed med udgangspunkt i Innate Health (De Tre Principper) i næsten 40 år. Før hun opdagede principperne, havde hun været engelsklærer på college, prisvindende avisreporter og redaktør. Hun var også iværksætter, og startede og var administrerende direktør for en virksomhed inden for Medical Practice Management. Hun er uddannet ved Wellesley College, Wellesley, MA, (BA), Trinity College, Hartford, CT (MA) og West Virginia University (EdD).

Judy er født i New Haven, Connecticut og voksede op i Washington, D.C.
Mens hendes mand var ansat i luftvåbnet, blev de udstationeret i Biloxi, MI og på Okinawa, hvor hun underviste på college og i gymniasiet.
Hun boede i Bradenton, Florida, i næsten 20 år, hvor hun havde en karriere som avisreporter og redaktør og derefter som iværksætter.
Hun fandt sit livs og sit hjertes arbejde, da en af de læger, der blev kunde i hendes Medical Practice Management-virksomhed, introducerede hende til forståelsen af, at ingen mennesker kan ødelægges mentalt. Hun lærte også, at alle mennesker har en medfødt evne til ro i sindet og glæde, men at de har en uskyldig misforståelse af tankens kraft. Det blev hendes fokus resten af arbejdslivetet.

Efter at hun blev en del af den gruppe mennesker, der bragte denne nye forståelse til verden, rejste hun meget, flyttede ofte, arbejdede sammen med mange forskellige kunder og organisationer over hele verden, underviste på en lægeuddannelse og fandt sin egen ubetingede glæde ved livet.

Hun har også en populær podcast “Psychology has it backwards” sammen med Christine Heath

Link til Judith Sedgemans hjemmeside og YouTube videoer

Du kan besøge Judiths hjemmeside her.

Link til Judith Sedgemans YouTube kanal


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