What The F**K Are the Three Principles?: And 18 Other Questions From So-Called Wisdom

What The F**K Are the Three Principles?: And 18 Other Questions From So-Called Wisdom

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What The F**K Are the Three Principles?: And 18...

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kr. 134,95

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“What The F**K Are the Three Principles?: And 18 Other Questions From So-Called Wisdom” is written by Amir Karkouti.

In your hands you hold the most definitive book on the Three Principles ever written (according to the author). Unlike other Three Principle books, this book has a special coating that allows you to use it for firewood in case you live in a very cold area of the world.

Author, speaker, dancer, philanthropist, and self-made genius Amir Karkouti has accumulated 18 questions that have been pondered since the discovery of the Three Principles by Sydney Banks. Although Amir Karkouti was not a welder with a 9th grade education, he pretends to know about these Three Universal Gifts.

Join him as he dismantles these pressing questions, and allows each reader to get a mind-blowing insight into the Three Principles of Mind, Consciousness, and Thought.

Each question has been pondered, hand-washed, and gently dried out for your reading pleasure. You will be shocked, amazed, and hopefully, enlightened. The goal is for the reader to be shockingly enlightened.

So…stop reading the back of the book and buy it already!

Amir Karkouti

Amir Karkouti har skrevet “Lessons from My Coach“, “No Nothing to Get Everything!” og “What the F**k Are The Three Principles?“.

Selvom Amir Karkouti ikke forlod skolen efter niende klasse og blev svejser, påstår han alligevel, at han kender til de tre universelle gaver (De Tre Principper, 3P).

Læs med, når Amir afklarer de svære spørgsmål og giver læseren indblik i De Tre Principper, skrevet i et humoristisk og uhøjtideligt sprog.

Amir skriver selv: ”Jeg husker tydeligt den dag, jeg ”opdagede” principperne. Jeg blev blæst helt bagover. Min verden smeltede sammen og alt gav pludselig mening. Mit eneste problem var, at det var svært at fortælle om dem til andre. Jeg klokkede totalt i det. Jeg prøvede alt for meget og ville have at andre skulle ”forstå” principperne, og folk troede jeg var blevet tosset. Så jeg begyndte at gøre det, som alle andre gør – jeg læste mere og mere, deltog i flere og flere seminarer, og blev….endnu mere forvirret. Men forvirringen stopper her… Nu skal du finde din egen 3P stemme at formidle fra.”

Link til Amir Karkoutis hjemmeside og YouTube videoer

Du kan besøge Amirs hjemmeside her.


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