Encounters with an Enlightened Man: The Early Years with Sydney Banks

Encounters with an Enlightened Man: The Early Years with Sydney Banks

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“Encounters with an Enlightened Man” is written by Linda Quiring and with foreword by Jack Pransky.

Encounters with an Enlightened Man reveals Linda Quiring’s experience in a mental institution where she was told she would need to be on medication and receive periodic shock treatments for the rest of her life. Soon, her personal spiritual journey led her and her husband Bill to move to Saltspring Island in early 1974. Her search for that ‘guru who appears the moment a student is ready’ led to the door of Sydney Banks, who had also just moved to the Island after having an enlightenment experience. At their first fortuitous meeting, Syd articulated a desire to write about his very recent experience, and suggested that Linda, an avid reader and writer, work with him. After listening to Syd she became ‘cured’ without any further medication or treatments.
The next year saw more students appear, and within five years, hundreds of students had moved to the Island to follow this quiet man and his startling revelations into the nature of life. With Island of Knowledge selling thousands of books, and another on the way, Syd’s path led to the wider world, where he would write books, work with psychologists and other professionals and disseminate his teachings. Linda’s journey however, led to settling into a normal life on a small farm, where she and Bill raised their son Gary, made artisan soaps for a living, and kept chickens and bees.
A heartfelt desire to write, and surprised by the outflow of love and interest in those times, Linda was encouraged to write about “The Early Days.” Still friends after four decades with other very early students, she included their stories as well, making for an enthralling look into the beginnings of a now worldwide movement in higher consciousness as experienced and taught by Sydney Banks.

About the Author:
Linda Quiring and her husband Bill live on a small farm on Saltspring Island, British Columbia where they grow heritage apples and keep bees. Recently retired after 35 years making Artisan soaps and body care products, Linda is the author of Island of Knowledge, Beyond Beliefs: The Lost Teachings of Sydney Banks, Encounters with an Enlightened Man: The Early Years with Sydney Banks, and continues to write.


Profilbillede af forfatter Linda Quiring

Linda Quiring flyttede til Salt Spring Island i 1974, hvor hun mødte Sydney Banks, og blev hans allerførste elev. Hun havde kæmpet med psykiske problemer gennem flere år, og havde bl.a. været indlagt på et psykiatrisk hospital. Hendes møde med Sydney Banks ændrede hendes liv. Hun fik en dybere relation til sin mand, Bill, og kunne slippe al sin medicin og leve et harmonisk liv.  

De bor stadig på en lille gård på Salt Spring Island i British Columbia, hvor de dyrker æbler og avler bier.

Hun er for nylig gået på pension efter 35 år med fremstilling af håndlavede sæber og kropsplejeprodukter. Deres søn, Gary, har overtaget familievirksomheden “Saltspring Soapworks“, hvor de bl.a. producerer og sælger hår- og kropsplejeprodukter, essentielle olier og duftsprays.

Hun er forfatter til Island of Knowledge, som hun skrev sammen med Sydney Banks. De skrev også  Beyond Beliefs: The Lost Teachings of Sydney Banks, som dog først blev udgivet i 2015. Hun skrev Encounters with an Enlightened Man: The Early Years with Sydney Banks i 2017, der beskriver hendes liv samt hendes nære venskab og samarbejde med Sydney Banks.

De senere år har hun oplevet en stigende interesse for hendes historie, da hun kendte Sydney Banks fra de tidlige år, og var hans første elev. Hun havde et nært samarbejde med ham, mens de skrev bøgerne sammen, og de sås mindst en gang om ugen. Selvom de stoppede deres samarbejde efter nogle år, forblev de venner resten af Syds liv, og besøgte hinanden flere gange om året.

Bill stod for lydoptagelsen af Sydney Banks oplæg til deres møder de første år.

Link til Facebookside og YouTube videoer med Linda Quiring

Her kan du finde Lindas Facebookside.


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