REAL: The inside-out guide to being yourself

REAL: The inside-out guide to being yourself

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“REAL: The inside-out guide to being yourself” is written by Clare Dimond.

‘Be yourself’ they said. ‘I want to be’ I said. ‘But who am I?’ Have you ever noticed that what you think about who you are, how you should be, how well you are doing changes? This is because our idea of who we are is created in thought and it is the nature of thought to change.
Looking at this more clearly takes us on a breath-taking exploration into what is real about us. We discover what is permanent, unchanging. And it is never what we think.
The first part of REAL looks at everything that cannot be true about who we are. It looks at what is transient, momentary and ever-changing such as our thoughts, feelings, beliefs, insecurities, habits, stress.
These are all the things we can stop paying attention to because the only thing we know for sure about them is that they will change. And this leaves us with one important question: who are we?

The second part of REAL explores what remains when our thought-created idea of self dissolves. It explores what is constant, what is always there regardless of transient thought and belief. By looking for the constant we get closer to the truth of us. When we live from this understanding, we have more freedom, integrity and wholeness than we had ever thought possible.

Clare Dimond

Clare Dimond hjælper virksomheder, skoler og enkeltpersoner med at udvikle sig.

Hun har skrevet bøgerne: “HOME“, SANE“, “REAL“, “WELL“, “GAME“, “The Shift“, “EASE” og “FREE

Clare skriver følgende om sig selv:

“Jeg har en et utal af kompetencer inden for menneskelig præstation og kommunikation, lige fra BA i psykologi til journalistik, yoga, MBA, NLP og hypnose samt årtiers erfaring med global markedsføring og kommunikationsrådgivning.

Men jeg følte mig aldrig rigtig tilpas, før den dag jeg forstod, hvordan vores hjerner fungerer.

For indtil da troede jeg, at stress og angst betød, at jeg var nødt til at tænke mere for at finde løsningen og ændre ting i mit liv for at få det godt.

Jeg troede, at jeg skulle være på en bestemt måde for at få succes og undgå at fejle.

Jeg troede, at alle ting i livet ville lykkes hvis jeg tænkte mere og arbejdede hårdere.

Jeg troede, at det hele hvilede på mine skuldre –  at det var mig, der havde ansvaret.

Det resulterede blot i mere stress, mere angst og mere bekymring.

Men en dag indså jeg, at den jeg er, ikke har noget at gøre med de tanker, jeg har om mig selv.

Du vil, ligesom jeg, indse dette.

Og når du gør det, vil du se ud over det “dig”, som du har bekymret dig om, og som du har forsøgt at forbedre og beskytte.

Alle forestillinger om, hvem du er, forsvinder, når du bliver en kanal for inspiration, for liv og for bevidstheden om vores sande natur.”

Link til Clare Dimonds hjemmeside og YouTube videoer

Du kan besøge Clares hjemmeside her.


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