Somebody Should Have Told Us!

Somebody Should Have Told Us!

Forsidebillede af bogen "Somebody should have told us" skrevet af Jack Pransky
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“Somebody Should Have Told Us!” is written by Jack Pransky.

What if peace of mind, beautiful feelings, little or no stress, wonderful, healthy relationships and greater effectiveness, were right at your fingertips, and you held the key but didn’t realize it or didn’t know how to use it? That is what “Somebody Should Have Told Us!”
This book is about how we all have a state of perfect mental health and wisdom inside us that can only be covered up by our own thinking, and how our use of our power of thought creates the “reality” we see, out of which we then think, feel and act. Here are ten simple but profound truths for living well, arising from three spiritual facts that, once grasped or truly realized, can transform one’s life. This book has the ability to spawn insights that change the lives of those who come to understand the simple, yet profound wisdom contained in this book. In fact, it already has.
This book is the essence of self-help, in that it points people inside themselves for all answers. It shows people how to access their own essence whenever they need to. It shows people how they create their experience of life moment to moment. The book is written in an easy-to-understand manner with many stories of how people’s lives have changed. When we were growing up nobody told us what this book points to, but somebody should have told us! And it’s never too late.

About the Author:
Jack Pransky, Ph.D. is founder/director of the Center for Inside-Out Understanding. He authored the books, Modello: A Story of Hope for the Inner City and BeyondParenting from the HeartPrevention from the Inside-OutPrevention: The Critical Need and co-authored Healthy Thinking/ Feeling/Doing from the Inside-Out prevention curriculum for middle school students. Pransky has worked in the field of prevention since 1968 in a wide variety of capacities and now provides consultation, training, counseling and coaching from the inside-out, throughout the U.S. and internationally. He is also cofounder/director of the nonprofit consulting organization, Prevention Unlimited, which created the Spirituality of Prevention Conference. In 2001 his book, Modello received the Martin Luther King Storyteller’s Award for the book best exemplifying King’s vision of “the beloved community,” and in 2004 Jack won the Vermont Prevention Pioneer’s Award. Jack can be contacted through his website at

Forfatter Jack Pransky

Jack Pransky, ph.d., er stifter og direktør for “Center for Inside-Out Understanding”. Han er forfatter til bøgerne:

Jack Pransky har arbejdet med forebyggelse siden 1968 i en lang række forskellige sammenhænge og tilbyder nu konsultation, rådgivning og coaching i USA og internationalt.

I 2001 modtog hans bog Modello Martin Luther King Storyteller’s Award for den bog, der bedst repræsenterer Kings vision om “det elskede fællesskab”, og i 2004 vandt Jack “Vermont Prevention Pioneer’s Award”.

Jack har arbejdet ud fra De Tre Principper siden begynndelsen af 1990’erne, og havde Sydney Banks som mentor.

Han var også drivkraften bag Linda Quirings “Island of Knowledge” blev genoptrykt og “Beyond Beliefs” blev udgivet. Linda Quiring skrev disse to bøger sammen med Sydney Banks i 1975 og 1979.

“Island of Knowledge” er nu oversat til dansk og hedder “Visdommens ø“.

Link til Jack Pranskys hjemmeside og YouTube videoer

Du kan besøge Jacks hjemmeside her.


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