The Three Principles: A Beginner’s Guide

The Three Principles: A Beginner's Guide

Forsidebillede til bogen "The Three Principles: A Beginner's Guide" som er skrevet af Damian Mark Smyth.
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“The Three Principles: A Beginner’s Guide” is written by Damian Mark Smyth, Flavia Danzell Payne and Tim Gunner.

Discover The Three Principles Shaping Your Reality.
There is a simple understanding of how we experience life. In 1973, an ordinary Scotsman named Sydney Banks had a profound insight into the human condition. He wasn’t a scientist or a psychologist. He was a welder! But what he saw in a moment of enlightened perception would go on to change the world of psychology and psychiatry forever, helping people from all walks of life and with all sorts of troubling mental health conditions to live happier lives. Put simply, he realised that all human experience happens via thought. We are alive. We think. We feel thought. The implications of his revelation were far-reaching. We are all the creators of our own experience of life. We are what we think. We can’t choose which thoughts come into our heads, but we can choose what to do with them once they’re there. It’s the relationship we have with our thoughts that determines our experience OF life. This is why two people can have vastly different experiences of the same event. In actual fact, there are 8.1 billion different experiences happening at all times using the same system – same system, different results. It’s our thinking ‘about’ our thoughts that may trouble us. Once we see this at a deeper level, the responsibility for everything in our lives comes back to us. We have the ability to respond in a different way. Life is still happening, but our experience of life changes. In this introductory book on the Three Principles, the authors show you the tip of a very large iceberg and set you on your way to living a happier, more productive life. Step in and enjoy the ride.

Flavia Dalzell Payne

Flavia Dalzell Payne er certificeret Three Principles (Mental Health) Practitioner. Hun var også elev hos Dr. George Pransky, som er en af de første der bragte forståelsen af De Tre Principper ind i psykologien.

De Tre Principper (som formuleret af Sydney Banks) er de grundlæggende principper, der skaber al psykologisk oplevelse. De er en metafor for sindet, der beskriver, hvordan det fungerer, og opdagelsen af dem er et gennembrud i vores forståelse af menneskets psykologiske funktion. De tilbyder et nyt paradigme for mental sundhed (det psykologiske paradigme “indefra og ud”) og får folk til at se deres medfødte sundhed og resiliens, hvilket øger deres potentiale.

Flavia har arbejdet i erhvervslivet i 25 år: for National Securities and Research Corporation i New York; The Economist Group i Wien; Artemis (Fine Arts) Group og Korn/Ferry International i London; og i 15 år for Senn Delaney, senest som deres Business Development Director, EMEA. Senn Delaney er et internationalt konsulentfirma, der fokuserer på at ændre virksomhedskulturer for at forbedre organisationers mindset og præstationer ved at ændre adfærd og tankegang hos ledere og teams.

Link til Flavia Dalzell Paynes hjemmeside og YouTube videoer

Du kan besøge Flavias hjemmeside her.

Damian Mark Smyth

Damian Mark Smyth har skrevet “Do Nothing, Stop Looking, Start Living” og “The Three Principles: A Beginner’s Guide“.

Han er lærer og underviser i De Tre Principper. Han bor i Cotswolds i England sammen med sin kæreste, Victoria Groom, og deres hund, Wellington.

Han har blandt andet lidt af OCD. 

Han stødte på principperne i 2010 og blev straks en dedikeret studerende, og blev undervist af de førende 3P-formidlere.

Hans firma, 3P Training, er resultatet af denne indsats, og han har undervist i erhvervslivet siden begyndelsen af 2011 med både små og store virksomheder og med individuel coaching.

Damian arbejdede 17 år i mediebranchen i ledende stillinger for store forlag, brands og bureauer (herunder: loaded, Saatchi & Saatchi, Trinity Mirror), men fandt sit nye kald inden for undervisning og udvikling.

Link til Damian Mark Smyths hjemmeside og YouTube videoer

Du kan besøge Damians hjemmeside her.


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