You Are Not Who You Think You Are!

You Are Not Who You Think You Are!

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“You Are Not Who You Think You Are!” is written by Phil Hughes.

There are so many of us who want to be the very best version of ourselves.

We spend many years and much money in avid pursuit of self-improvement.

But this idea of who we are – where did it come from?

Was it with us at birth, or did it develop sometime after?

Has the idea of who you are remained the same or changed over time?

Most people’s opinion of themselves changes, often very frequently.

Can anything that changes so much possibly be true?

What if you are not who you think you are?

What if in reality, you are so much more?

What if a world of possibility already exists right where you are, right now?

This is the second book of psychological metaphors authored by Phil Hughes. His first, “It’s All in the Mind, You Know!” was published in 2018 and is also available on Amazon.

What people had to say about “It’s All in the Mind, You Know!”:

“Phil Hughes has written a beautiful book, with every page pointing the reader to wisdom. Open it anywhere, and you’ll find what you need.” Jamie Smart, Sunday Times bestselling author, speaker and executive coach

“A unique book, a really lovely way to delve deeper into the human experience. Ideal for the night table, the loo, or the subway” Ken Manning, Ph.D., Author of Invisible Power: Insight Principles at Work

“Phil has a way of describing the indescribable that I know will help you see things in a new way.” Amy Johnson, Ph.D., Author of Being Human and The Little Book of Big Change: The No-Willpower Approach to Breaking Any Habit

Phil Hughes

Phil har skrevet “It’s All in The Mind, You Know!” med forord af Dr. Amy Johnson. Han har også skrevet “You Are Not Who You Think You Are”. Bøgerne indeholder metaforer, der peger på vores medfødte sundhed. 

Metaforerne i bøgerne peger på løsningen af problemer som stress, dårligt helbred, sygefravær og dårlige realtioner og kronisk overbelastning. De giver ikke tips, teknikker eller strategier, men afslører en simpel sandhed om, hvordan den menneskelige oplevelse fungerer.

Med et klarere sind åbner der sig en verden af muligheder. Stress forsvinder. Kreativiteten stiger. Løsninger på de sværeste problemer er pludselig inden for rækkevidde. 

Anbefalinger fra Phil Hughes kolleger

Dr. Amy Johnson skriver følgende om “You Are Not Who You Think You Are”:
“Min ven Phil Hughes har skrevet endnu en bog om metaforer. Hans første bog var fantastisk. Men jeg kan lide denne her endnu bedre!”

Jamie Smart skriver følgende om “It’s All in The Mind, You Know!”:

“Phil Hughes har skrevet en smuk bog, hvor læseren på hver eneste side bliver peget mod visdom. Ligemeget hvilken side du læser, finder du det, du har brug for.”


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