A Caged Mind: How Spiritual Understanding Changed a Life

A Caged Mind: How Spiritual Understanding Changed a Life

Forsidebillede til bogen "A Caged Mind: How Spiritual Understanding Changed a Life" skrevet af Maria Iliffe-Wood.
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“A Caged Mind” is written by Maria Iliffe-Wood, and the foreword is written by Dicken Bettinger.

Not feeling good enough?
Want to feel different about your life and learn how to feel ok?

Imposter Syndrome, excessive worrying, anxiety, people pleasing and putting the needs of others above your own is common in millions of people. If personal development and self-help books didn’t work for you then you will want to read A Caged Mind. This book may evoke insights within you that have the potential to change your life. It is NOT a “how to fix yourself ” or a “how to change your life in 7 days” book. It is a book of hope.

Maria Iliffe-Wood, a woman in her fifties, wanted to feel better. In her life there was an undercurrent of unease, anxiety and never feeling good enough. She spent years and thousands of pounds looking for a way to fix herself. Nothing brought her the relief she was looking for. Then a spiritual understanding changed everything. These short snapshots in time, over time, show how insights changed her life at a deep level. They show that you don’t need books on how to be happy, you need a simple understanding of how life works, to live an easier, better life.

A Caged Mind is a new kind of self-help book, where the writer takes you through their own personal experiences to show you the healing journey. Insights changed Maria’s life. Reading this book may evoke insights within you that have the potential to change yours.


I was captivated as I read A Caged Mind. The writing is true and honest, as Iliffe-Wood takes us on a journey with her through myriad twists and turns of her life and what she saw and learned as she went. This is a must-read for anyone who is a human. The last self-help book you will ever need to read.
Jules Swales, Writing Teacher and Poet


A Caged Mind speaks straight to the heart and soul. I was mesmerized from the first line to the last. Her story is the human story, our story, and can awaken in all of us hope, freedom from suffering, and astonished awareness of a daring, creative, full way to live. I will recommend this book to all of my clients at home and abroad.
Linda Sandel Pettit, Ed.D.
Self-Expression Coach and Intuitive Spirituality Teacher, 3 Principles Practitioner, Author, Counseling Psychologist, Retired, Owner, 3 Principles Intervention, LLC


Maria’s journey to freedom from the cage of her thinking is brutally and beautifully intimate….heartbreakingly real and inspiring!

Steve Chandler, Author of Creator and Right Now


A Caged Mind is a beautifully crafted compilation of stories and insights that are deeply personal, but also universally human. You will recognize yourself — and all of life –throughout this book. I can’t recommend it enough!

Amy Johnson Ph.D , Author of Just a Thought: A No-Willpower Approach to Overcome Self-Doubt and Make Peace with Your Mind and The Little Book of Big Change: The No-Willpower Approach to Breaking Any Habit


Maria’s story resonates because it could be any of us with a head full of insecurities, trapped within our own cage. Who hasn’t experienced the torment of feeling unloved? I love Maria’s analogy of the caged mind and how we innocently imprison ourselves within that cage. In this wonderful book Maria shines a light on where the cage ends and infinite potential abounds.
JB Hollows MSc FRSA, author, social entrepreneur, motivational speaker.


A Caged Mind is a beautifully touching, inspiring book. Maria talks about her own journey in a way that gently encourages us to reflect on our own experience of life from a deeper understanding of the mind and inspires us to examine more deeply the truth of who we really are. For those of us willing to look in this direction, this book is timely and truly transformational.
Stef Cybichowski, International Trainer, Speaker and Transformative Coach

Maria Iliffe-Wood

Maria Iliffe-Wood har skrevet bogen A Caged Mind: How Spiritual Understanding Changed a Life.

Maria skriver følgende om sig selv:

“Jeg er brite og bor lige uden for Leicester i England. Mine online-studerende deltager i mine online-kurser fra hele verden.

Jeg er skribent og forfatter, og jeg har været certificeret coach i over 30 år. Jeg startede mit eget forlag, IW Press Ltd., i 2020 under pandemien.

Da jeg først begyndte at skrive, hadede jeg det som pesten, men jeg var nødt til at gøre det for at få min coachinguddannelse, og på en eller anden måde blev det en vane. Nu er det en integreret del af min hverdag at skrive.

Jeg har skrevet tre bøger og bidraget til yderligere to. Jeg har selv udgivet bøger og hjulpet en række andre forfattere med at skrive, redigere og udgive deres bøger.

Jeg havde ingen planer om at starte mit eget forlag, men det skete, fordi folk bad mig om hjælp til deres bøger, og så var det oplagt at gøre det.”

Link til Maria Iliffe-Woods hjemmeside og YouTube videoer

Her kan du besøge Marias hjemmeside.


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