Mentored by Mind: Soul to Soul Conversations

Mentored by Mind: Soul to Soul Conversations

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Mentored by Mind: Soul to Soul Conversations

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kr. 184,95

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“Mentored by Mind: Soul to Soul Conversations” is written by Elsie Spittle.

“Mentored by Mind is a powerfully enriching contribution to enhancing one’s level of understanding of the elusive Three Principles of Mind, Consciousness and Thought.Through a delightful series of moving vignettes, Elsie Spittle lucidly illustrates the difficult to articulate, but potent transformative power of The Three Principles. An abundant variety of stories portray her clients’ courage, hope, inspiration, self-trust and their ability to overcome fear and doubt. The stories point to the joy of being your own best friend and mentor; of being guided and empowered by wisdom.This book is fifty years ahead of its time, representing a paradigm shift from the traditional medical model of mental health. It offers a remedy for the relief of stress by means of enhancing one’s mind-body health connection holistically. It disentangles the mind from contaminated personal thinking, differentiating wisdom from ego, leading to innate mental health and self- esteem.Elsie pours her heart and soul into her writing. She has a warm, motherly way about her that guides her clients’ journeys with insight, gentleness, love and understanding.Savor the richness and wisdom of this book. It will bring you to a deep understanding of life’s mysteries. Be prepared to enjoy reading, reflecting and re-reading this book, tuning in to its simple yet profound and inspiring message.”Dr. Wally Litwa, Board Certified Family Physician, Retired


Elsie Spittle

Elsie Spittle har skrevet bøgerne: “Nuggets of Wisdom“, “Nuggets of Wisdom II“, “Wisdom for Life“, “Our True Identity…Three Principles“, “Beyond Imagination: A New Reality Awaits“, “The Path to Contentment“, “Mentored by Mind” og “What if You Already Knew the Answers to Your Questions?“.

Elsie Spittle har sammen med Chip Chipman skrevet bogen “The Genesis of The Three Principles: Reflections on the Life and Discoveries by Sydney Banks“, der også er oversat til dansk med titlen “De Tre Principper: Skabelsen og reflektioner over Sydney Banks liv og indsigter“.

Hun har været en internationalt anerkendt underviser og konsulent i over 40 år. Hun er i den unikke situation, at hun har kendt Sydney Banks, ophavsmanden til De Tre Principper, før han fik sin dybe indsigt i sindets design. Elsies mand, Ken, var kolleger med Sydney Banks, og de så også hinanden privat.

Hun var vidne til den ekstraordinære forandring, der skete i ham, og den enorme indflydelse, hans arbejde havde på tusindvis af mennesker, og hvordan dette har skabt et nyt paradigme inden for psykologi og psykiatri.

Elsie havde det privilegium at modtage “on the job”-træning direkte fra Mr. Banks og rejste rundt sammen med ham for at formidle forståelsen til fagfolk inden for mental sundhed, undervisere og andre, der søgte en dybere forståelse af livet.

Hun anses for at være den første formelle underviser i principperne efter Sydney Banks.

Da Sydney Banks blev syg, ville han sikre sig at hans budskab fortsat blev formidlet i hans ånd. Han spurgte Chip Chipman og Elsie Spittle, om de ville drive Three Principles School på Salt Spring Island, da han mente at de to vill egne sig til det. Sydney Banks drev skolen sammen med dem fra 2008 og frem til sin død i maj 2009. Chip og Elsie drev herefter skolen frem til 2022.

Link til Elsie Spittles hjemmeside, Three Principles School og YouTube videoer

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Du kan besøge Three Principles Schools hjemmeside her.


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