WELL: Getting real with physical and mental health

WELL: Getting real with physical and mental health

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WELL: Getting real with physical and mental health

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kr. 134,95

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“WELL: Getting real with physical and mental health” is written by Clare Dimond.

Getting ‘real’ with mental and physical health is a very big subject. It means exploring what is true and what this means for physical and mental health.

In her sixth book in the ‘Getting REAL series’, Clare Dimond, explores how a misunderstanding about what we are confuses the way physical and mental sensations are interpreted. Believing that we are what we think we are and that we are (or should be) in control of the the body, thoughts, beliefs, moods, feelings, state and experience is the source of all suffering. It sets up a battle with what is and a personal story of self that has nothing to do with actual reality. It sets up a search to secure the self identity that can last a lifetime and that can play out in the body and mind in the form of stress, hopelessness, resistance and exhaustion. But if there is readiness, the search ends here in the realisation that what is being looked for in that search can never be found. And when the rising up of symptoms and sensations prompts curiosity instead of the need to immediately retreat back into the ‘comfortable torture’ of the identity, then there is the possibility of something else. There is the possibility of that search losing its life-and-death urgency and being seen for the beautiful, innocent misunderstanding it really is. There is the possibility that all those symptoms and sensations tied into the attempt to secure the self, will find their home. There is the possibility, finally, of the living in the freedom, peace and wellness that we really are.

Clare Dimond

Clare Dimond hjælper virksomheder, skoler og enkeltpersoner med at udvikle sig.

Hun har skrevet bøgerne: “HOME“, SANE“, “REAL“, “WELL“, “GAME“, “The Shift“, “EASE” og “FREE

Clare skriver følgende om sig selv:

“Jeg har en et utal af kompetencer inden for menneskelig præstation og kommunikation, lige fra BA i psykologi til journalistik, yoga, MBA, NLP og hypnose samt årtiers erfaring med global markedsføring og kommunikationsrådgivning.

Men jeg følte mig aldrig rigtig tilpas, før den dag jeg forstod, hvordan vores hjerner fungerer.

For indtil da troede jeg, at stress og angst betød, at jeg var nødt til at tænke mere for at finde løsningen og ændre ting i mit liv for at få det godt.

Jeg troede, at jeg skulle være på en bestemt måde for at få succes og undgå at fejle.

Jeg troede, at alle ting i livet ville lykkes hvis jeg tænkte mere og arbejdede hårdere.

Jeg troede, at det hele hvilede på mine skuldre –  at det var mig, der havde ansvaret.

Det resulterede blot i mere stress, mere angst og mere bekymring.

Men en dag indså jeg, at den jeg er, ikke har noget at gøre med de tanker, jeg har om mig selv.

Du vil, ligesom jeg, indse dette.

Og når du gør det, vil du se ud over det “dig”, som du har bekymret dig om, og som du har forsøgt at forbedre og beskytte.

Alle forestillinger om, hvem du er, forsvinder, når du bliver en kanal for inspiration, for liv og for bevidstheden om vores sande natur.”

Link til Clare Dimonds hjemmeside og YouTube videoer

Du kan besøge Clares hjemmeside her.


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