Inside Out Transformation: A Revolutionary Guide for Coaches, Therapists and Counsellors. Conversations with 15 Renowned Leaders

Inside Out Transformation: A Revolutionary Guide for Coaches, Therapists and Counsellors. Conversations with 15 Renowned Leaders

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“Inside Out Transformation” is written by Sheela Masand with foreword by Michael Neill, bestselling author of The Inside Out Revolution, Supercoach, and The Space Within.

“The inside-out understanding is infinitely deeper and more helpful than any of the countless therapies and self-help techniques I’ve tried.”

Amy Johnson, PhD, Three Principles Coach and Trainer, author of The Little Book of Big Change

Every coach, therapist and counsellor wants to have more impact for their client and they all want their clients to experience true transformation. How do you achieve that?

The author interviewed 15 renowned leaders in the field, uncovering their experience from their decades of coaching, therapy and counselling, to distill the art and science of inside-out transformation.

You will find the answers to such questions as:

  • What’s their philosophy?
  • If there was one thing they would tell their younger self, what would it be?
  • What’s their intention for a client, if any?
  • Do they have a process?
  • Do they prepare for a session?

Plus some powerful client stories that informed their client work along the way – what worked and what didn’t a.k.a. the good, the bad and the ugly!

It’s a peek behind the curtain to spark insight into how you can help your clients experience sustainable transformation. And of course, the transformation starts with you and this book has the potential to spark that too.

This is the book that every coach, therapist and counsellor, who is serious about making more of a difference to others, will want to read.

Du kan besøge Sheelas hjemmeside her.

Sheela Masand

Sheela Masand har skrevet bogen “Inside Out Transformation: A Revolutionary Guide for Coaches, Therapists and Counsellors. Conversations with 15 Renowned Leaders“.

Hun skriver følgende om sig selv:

“Jeg faldt over De Tre Principper formuleret af Sydney Banks i 2010, hvilket betød at livet og dermed min virksomhed begyndte at skifte retning. Jeg troede, jeg havde en rigtig god forståelse af sindets kraft via adskillige træningsprogrammer og uddannelser, herunder Louise Hay, NLP, hypnoterapi og så videre, men dette her var forklaringen på, hvordan alt dette fungerede.

Som man siger, stiger alle både med tidevandet, og forståelsen af de tre principper er tidevandet for alt i vores liv, inklusiv vores virksomheder.

Det har været en livsomvæltende rejse at få øje på enkeltheden i livet og dermed i min virksomhed.  Det har hjulpet mig til at hjælpe andre med at finde frem til det samme for dem, hvilket har resulteret i, at der er meget mindre, de skal gøre, end de havde troet.  De får mere tid, mindre stress, bedre resultater og meget bedre livskvalitet.

Jeg elsker at sprede budskabet om enkelhed og glæde, hvilket har betydet, at jeg har interviewet meget anerkendte undervisere indenfor 3P-området, og skabt et årligt globalt teletopmøde i 2013, arrangeret retreats og kurser i Spanien samt været med til at grundlægge og arrangere The Viva Event i 2015.”

Link til hjemmeside og YouTube videoer med Sheela Masand


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